Monday, May 20, 2013

Pentecost Festivities

Mass in the Duomo filled with kisses, men and boys in sharp blazers, women in high heels and looking fabulous while they rock their babies. Incense and processions.

Coming outside to the Piazza del Duomo to watch the men and women in medieval garb process to the center to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. Flag-bearers trotting to the beat of the drummers, regal old men in tights, young children dressed as peasants holding flowers.
Expectantly waiting and thrilled when the box came zooming down the zipline to the altar constructed in front. Cracking fireworks and convinced that the dove/holy spirit inside the box must be dead, and worried that the flames alit above the fake apostles’ heads would spread even farther.


The showing of the live dove from the balcony (but convinced that they did some switcheroo to show a different or new dove.)

A picnic with Charley’s pizza and wine in sunset park and a nap of contentment in the sun and wind.

Visiting the Museo del’Opera del Duomo and seeing artwork taken from our own monastery and church. Old and beautiful things. Comparing all of the baby Jesuses. Tiny old man. Chunky stout. Sassy.
Mary’s big eyes and tiny mouth, assuming that she saw much and spoke only what mattered.

Another parade through town with long trumpets, bagpipes, dancing girls, men in tights, and flag bearers leading to the Piazza del Popolo where there would be an archery tournament. Darn distance and sun in my eyes.

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