Sunday, March 3, 2013


“Mosè pensò: ‘Voglio avvicinarmi a osservare questo grande spettacolo: perché il roveto non brucia?’ Il Signore vide che si era avvicinato per guardare; Dio gridò a lui dal roveto: ‘Mosè, Mosè!’ Rispose: ‘Eccomi!’ Riprese: ‘Non avvicinarti oltre! Togliti i sandali dai piedi, perché il luogo sul quale tu stai è suolo santo!’”
Exodus 3:3-5

Enjoying broken translating, laughter, and inordinate amounts of mouth-watering food and drink in the Napoli family’s home. Thrilling shadow forms. Joining in worship with the voices of the choir of San Giovanni. Impromptu after-dinner pictionary. Giving kisses to my new friends Michela and Daniele after passing them in the street. Picnic and passeggiata in the countryside. Bits of broken pottery in the mud and gravel. Napping in the life-changing sunshine. Listening to the accordion and admiring honey and eggplants in the market in the Piazza del Popolo. Focaccia, mozzarella, prosciutto, basil, and fresh tomatoes basking in olive oil. My eyes, ears, and heart being lifted towards heaven by the frescoes and resonating echoes during mass in the Duomo. Hands black with conté crayon.

A lovely weekend.


  1. This post sounds like heaven! Are these your own pictures? They are beautiful!
